ABC's New Years Rockin' Eve
We were asked by ABC to create a broadcast package for their 2017 New Year's Rocking Eve coverage. On short notice I created these two directions based on the concepts and history of ABC's famous NYRE show.
The team at ABC liked the idea of using reflection and refraction as recurring visual motifs throughout the broadcast. To do this I harnessed an idealized jewel like version of the iconic Times Square ball that we all watch drop every year. The ball and the geometric refraction run throughout the package soaring over the skylines of cities across the country at twilight in anticipation of the imminent new year.

This is the second direction I created. This direction is a simpler graphic direction showcasing the unbridled celebration that occurs at the start of every new year. Footage of lovers kissing as the ball drops, Champagne bottles being popped, and toasts being raised at parties in crowded squares, are all featured and tied together with the black and gold associated with New Year's Eve.